JAC Construction & Rénovation | Services
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Planning Services

Our planning services help from the start to establish budgets and actual costs tailored to your construction project. You are therefore assured of having a realistic picture of your investment needs.

Planning includes the following services:


  • Feasibility study with supporting preliminary budget.
  • Construction solutions analysis and client support.
  • Design and development of construction plans.
  • Procedure for obtaining building permits.

Building Services

JAC Constructions & Renovations INC. has several years of experience in renovation and construction. We have worked with a large variety of materials, structures and projects.

Our construction services helps you.:


  • Plan, direct and control the construction.
  • Manage Payments.
  • Collaborate with professionals, suppliers and regulatory authorities.
  • Initiate effective solutions to construction problems.

Project Management Services

When you hire JAC Constructions & Renovations INC. to manage your construction project, you can be sure we hire the best people to do the work, at the best price, in order to always provide the best value for your investment.

We have developed a range of building solutions to meet specific customer needs:


  • Construction to plans and specs.
  • Turnkey construction.
  • Project management.
  • Partnership development and project financing.